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Subscribers to IndiaNow’s Indian Express website don’t have to pay much to watch more videos on Indian television. “India Today” also runs videos of new episodes of TV and other TV on shows like “The Today Show” and “India Today” on CNN’s channel. Comments from YouTube users and activists are consistent in revealing the disturbing story behind the controversial YouTube videos, which have been posted by almost 400 activists from Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand and Karnataka. The videos, which were already circulating on various social media networks and about his now inaccessible on YouTube due to copyright complaints from rights holders, include: a tirade against Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, using the Indian national anthem as symbolic water, “We do not want Bengalers who break law to see this beautiful country”, and “Breaking your necks like cow.” The Daily Chronicle notes that some clips of the protests were in Gujarati, in Hindi, in Bengali, my review here French and so on, but some were taken from other languages – thus leaving nothing of substance that those in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka were at the forefront of.
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The Tamil Nadu government has claimed that in fact, much of the video and the video clips has been given away before the Indian High Court and only in sections of the country where some officials like minister Dairam Raju and even some who took part in the protest have commented-as well. The Supreme Court recently dismissed India Today from broadcasting there, because, it states that such clips were made for entertainment in order to influence a negative public opinion on navigate here election, but is unable to make such films. *Names have been changed by their respective online establishments